Protecting The Digital Reputation Of Your Church

In the past few months, we’ve seen a trend of social media accounts being hacked. The ringleaders behind this act attempt to jeopardize online reputations. Whatever the rationale for this cybercrime, the damage done is known to have permanent repercussions on the reputation of various established organizations.

For a church, its reputation must be pristine in order to encourage attendance. You need to ask yourself: What if your church website account got hacked? What would this mean for your church? Can you sustain such damage? To avoid such a scenario from playing out, Church Dev, as an experienced church website developer, provides you with some insight to protect your online reputation:

1.     Provide Account Access To A Few Reliable Individuals

For the sake of keeping the website up to date, you may feel the need to provide access to many people. Most individuals in your ministry and church management may be trustworthy, responsible and reliable, prompting you to feel comfortable in providing them with the access password. However, keep in mind, the more people who have the authorization to access your account, the higher the probability of it being hacked. As for the task of updating the website, delegate it to a few individuals, or you may be at further risk of creating confusion and inconsistency in the content flow.

2.     Change Your Password Periodically

Updating the password on a regular basis will significantly reduce the chances of unauthorized users accessing it. When developing the new password, make sure you use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. The more complex the code, the stronger the protection. Just make sure you keep a note of it somewhere so you don’t end up forgetting it.

3.     Report Any Suspicious Activities Or Compromise On Your Website Account

If you notice that you suddenly have limited or no access to your email accounts, or that your parishioners are receiving emails on your behalf, get in touch with Church Dev immediately so that we can investigate the matter and take corrective action. Your website account will be restored in minimum time to ensure that your church activities and operation do not suffer with this minor setback.

As one of the best church website builders, Church Dev has over 30 years of combined web design experience. With a wide range of functional, innovative and customized designs, we develop a website that helps churches connect with their congregation, and help their ministries to grow. To get in touch with us, email us at or call us on out toll free number 877-702-3656!

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