Add an Online Member Directory to Your Website and Create a Tight-Knit Community in Your Church
Stop printing and handing out member directories! An online member directory is more secure, accessible on mobile, and easier to update.
An online member directory is a great way for your new and current members to put names with faces and feel more connected to the church. Because we know that an engaging community is a great community.
Plus, it’s way more secure than printing out member directories because it’s password protected—meaning only church members can access the directory!
Try our demo online member directory:
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Does Your Church Really Need an Online Member Directory?
If you’re used to printing out and handing out member directories, you’ll love this!
Great for Activities and Events
Planning for the next activity or event? Looking for volunteers? Or participants? Even if you post it on your website and bulletin board, not everyone will see them. With an online member directory, you can easily look for volunteers or participants in a few clicks!

Create a Tight-Knit Community
Make it easier for new members to get familiar with existing members, and vice versa. With an online member directory that gets updated regularly, creating an engaging, tight-knit community in your church will be a lot easier.
Better Than a Printed Directory
Unlike its print version, an online directory can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on any device—mobile, tablet, or desktop. Members can even update their profile with their new contact information with just a few clicks. So it’s always up to date!

24/7 Security and Password Protection
Since your online member directory will be hosted on your website, it will also enjoy the benefits of our 24/7 security against hackers. Plus with password protection, only church members can access your online member directory.
Add an Online Member Directory to Your Church Website for $99 Setup & $10/month
Try our demo online member directory:
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